Tuesday, March 27, 2012



FROM:            Raymond Adrian

                        Director of Operations

RE:                  Our quarterly meeting March 30, 2012 from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.

This is to inform you that we will be having our quarterly meeting on March 30, 2012 at the beautiful North Shore Park and Youth Center,  Located at 501 72nd Street, Miami Beach.  You need to attend the quarterly meeting.  It is mandatory.  If you cannot make it, please let us know in writing.  You must be there at 9:00 A.M. 


FECHA:      March 30, 2012


DE:             Raymond Adrian- Director de Operaciones

RE:             Nuestra Reunión Trimestral March 30, 2012 from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.

  La presente es para informarle que tendremos nuestra reunión trimestral el día 30 de Marzo en el hermoso North Shore Park and Youth Center,  Located at 501 72nd Street, Miami Beach.  Ud. tiene que asistir a esta reunión trimestral.  Es obligatorio.  Si Ud. no puede asistir, por favor háganoslo saber  por escrito.  Ud. debe estar aquí a las 9:00 A.M. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 15, 2012

Bi-Monthly Newsletter March 15, 2012
"Don't wait for someone to knock on your door. Knocking on doors will be your success.“
Raymond  Adrian

March Highlights:

Customer Service Training
Join us for a FREE four hour seminar where you can master the art of making a good impression and advance your customer service skills.You will receive a certificate from Florida International University
 Call Raymond at (305)867-0051
Put Life Back in your Life

Found Out More About Living Healthy workshops
Join a free 2 ½ hour Healthy Living Workshop with UNIDAD
Learn from trained volunteer leaders with health conditions themselves.
Set your goals and make step by step plan to improve your help your health and your life.

Spaces are limited
Call Raymond Adrian or e-mail:
305-867-0051 or radrian2@aol.com
1701 Normandy Dr.
Miami Beach FL 33141


Smiling Boosts Your Immune System!!!

Did you know?
How Green Jobs help Mature Workers 
 Green Jobs Allow mature workes to....

  • Do something Different
  • Give back to society
  • Help others and their Community
  • Use their experience and skills from other fields
  • Take advantage of the current cultural interest in Green
  • And the best part green jobs help mature workers to be better worker and a better option for a company to hired, and that means more money.


Friday, March 2, 2012

News Letter of March

We have open slots for the SCSEP program



SCSEP is administered by UNIDAD of Miami Beach SCSEP and serves unemployed low-income persons who are age 55 and older and have low employment prospects. Participants are placed in PAID COMMUNITY SERVICE positions for a maximum of 20 hours per week. The goal of the program is to prepare individuals with the necessary skills and job training to obtain unsubsidized employment.
Participants receive orientation, skills assessments, a free physical exam, community
service assignments, computer training, job search assistance and supportive services.

Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), which provides on-the-job skills training to individuals 55 and older with limited financial resources. Since its inception, UNIDAD has helped more than thousands of mature workers entering the workforce.

If you are or anyone you is interested, please call 305 867-0051 or go to 1701 Normandy Drive Miami Beach Fl 33141 Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 PM.
Success Story of the Month of March, 2012
Lucy Olave
In 2010 Lucy Olave became an active participant of the SCSEP program.  She was recruited from the Community Action Service which offers great help for senior at the Miami Dade County, Lucy Olave suffered the transition to be a home owner to be a risk of homelessness.  She was very confused and depress with everything because been at the age of 62 years old without a job in Miami is very difficult.
  She had been punctual and very proactive at the same time with all her financial situation. UNIDAD of Miami Beach had been very sensitive with her case because also she does not have any family support. Lucy Olave proved to the SCSEP Program that any senior can work and take classes at the same time to obtain a job, all this help had been provide by UNIDAD of Miami Beach and SCSEP Program. We have to admit that is important to keep the active participant with a high level of expectations, with all that add the discipline that the Job Developer provides to the senior.
    After all the learning experience Lucy Olave has been very happy in December 2011, because we offered her computer classes and Customer Service training in partnership with FIU totally free.  In 2011 Lucy improved her communication skills and customer service in the host agency.  Also she improved her communication in writing and speaking English with co-workers. 
In 2012 Lucy Olave has been completed more than 14 classes in the workshop with the Job Developer, she learned how to do interviews properly.  She learned how to dress for interviews and how to do follow-ups with any job opening.   She has been very excited with the help that Unidad of Miami Beach has provided for her.  It has been a very successful year for her because she received great mentoring from the SCSEP program.  In January of 2012, she completed her computer training in Miami-Dade College.  With all this hard work and training and different transitions she has been a very successful story to share with all the seniors in the community of Miami-Dade County.
In February 2012 Lucy Olave completed her performance review with the Job Developer, and it was such a great performance in that review, that the Little Havana Activity Nutrition Center opened a position as a Customer Service Representative and Clerk, a job with more than 30 hours per week. According to the qualifications of Lucy Olave UNIDAD of Miami Beach SCSEP arranged an interview for her and she got the job. It is so inspiring to hear of such great accomplishments from Lucy Olave.  Today she is earning not only a job; but a great smile from everybody in Miami Dade County.
Staff from UNIDAD of Miami Beach.