Monday, November 26, 2012

For the past 15 years UNIDAD of Miami Beach has kept a special tradition of giving Thanksgiving Turkey to seniors and adults in need.
This year, UNIDAD bringing extra holiday cheer to 100 seniors and adults throughout Miami-Dade! We could not have done this alone and I would like to personally thank individual Gladys for donated their time to make this year's Thanksgiving Turkeys a success!
Thank you
Wishing you and your family had had happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

UNIDAD of Miami Beach SCSEP- Soaring Eagle Award for Best Performance 2011-2012


Certificate of Recognition to Celia Zaremba and Living Healthy Community for providing jobs for Mature Workers.

October 24, 2012
Special Thanks to Miami Dade College and its Program Working Solutions for Providing training for our Participants to become Job Ready in the New Job Market.
Maritza Solanes Linares with supervisor Irene Vargas